How To See System Users In Ubuntu Linux VPS: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Managing a Linux VPS efficiently starts with understanding who’s using the system. Whether you’re troubleshooting, securing your server, or simply staying organized, knowing how to view system users in Ubuntu is essential. This process is straightforward and doesn’t require advanced technical skills, making it accessible for beginners and seasoned admins alike.

In this guide, you’ll learn simple commands to list all users, differentiate system accounts from regular ones, and verify user details. These steps will help you maintain better control over your server environment and ensure everything runs smoothly. Let’s dive into the essentials so you can quickly get the information you need.

Understanding System Users In Ubuntu Linux VPS

System users in Ubuntu Linux VPS include both default accounts created by the operating system and custom accounts set up by administrators. Knowing the difference between these user types ensures better system control and helps distinguish critical functions from regular tasks.

Types Of System Users

  1. Root User: The superuser account with full permissions. It’s essential for administrative tasks but should be used cautiously to avoid unintended system changes.
  2. System Users: These accounts support system processes, such as www-data for web servers or mysql for database services, and often don’t require direct login.
  3. Regular Users: Created for individuals accessing the VPS. They typically have limited privileges unless explicitly granted.
  • Segregating Permissions: System users restrict access to critical files, reducing exposure to security vulnerabilities.
  • Supporting System Functions: Accounts like nobody ensure seamless execution of background processes without manual user intervention.
  • Tracking User Activity: Monitoring user accounts provides detailed logs, aiding in troubleshooting and auditing.

By understanding these system users, you can effectively manage permissions, enhance security, and optimize the performance of your Ubuntu VPS. Use basic commands like cat /etc/passwd to explore all user accounts on your server.

Methods To View System Users

Understanding the methods to view system users on your Ubuntu Linux VPS is essential for maintaining control and security. Below are step-by-step approaches to access this information.

Using The /etc/passwd File

The /etc/passwd file contains essential details about system users on your Ubuntu VPS. Follow these steps to access it:

  1. Open a Terminal: Access your server using SSH or directly through your terminal.
  2. Preview the File: Enter the command cat /etc/passwd to view its contents.
  3. Identify User Details: Each line represents a user account, showing fields like the username, user ID (UID), group ID (GID), home directory, and shell. For example, root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash defines the root user.

Using less /etc/passwd instead of cat allows you to scroll through the file efficiently.

Employing The Getent Command

The getent command provides a straightforward way to list system users by querying system databases. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Run the Command: Execute getent passwd in the terminal. The output mirrors the /etc/passwd file but includes entries from network directories like LDAP if configured.
  2. Filter Specific Users: Use grep to target specific names or patterns, e.g., `getent passwd


grep ubuntu`.

  1. Review Entries: Each output line, formatted similarly to /etc/passwd, contains key user details.

The getent command is particularly useful when integrating multiple authentication sources on your server.

Utilizing The Cut Command For Simplification

The cut command simplifies user lists by extracting specific fields from the /etc/passwd file. Perform the following steps:

  1. Extract Usernames: Run cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd to display only usernames. The -d: flag sets the delimiter, and -f1 selects the first field.
  2. Combine With Other Commands: Pair it with sort or uniq for sorted or unique lists, like `cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd


sort. 3. **Manage Large Outputs**: Use headortailto limit the output, e.g.,cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd


head -n 10`.

This method reduces clutter and focuses on specific details, aiding efficient management.

Checking Active Logged-In Users

To monitor active sessions on your Ubuntu Linux VPS, use simple commands to identify logged-in users. This ensures better oversight of server activity and aids in detecting unauthorized access.

Using The who Command

The who command is a straightforward way to list users currently logged into your server. It provides usernames, terminal sessions, login times, and host information.

  1. Run the who Command:

Open the terminal and enter:


This returns a list of active users along with login details.

  1. Understanding Output:

Each row displays a username, the terminal session they are on (e.g., pts/0), the login timestamp, and the remote host if applicable. For instance:

user1     pts/0         2023-10-05 10:30 (
  1. Filter Specific Users:

Pipe the output through grep to search for a particular user. For instance, to check if “user2” is logged in:



 grep user2

Displaying User Sessions with w Command

The w command provides detailed insights into logged-in users and their activities, making it a powerful tool for monitoring server usage.

  1. Execute the w Command:

Type the following in your terminal:


You’ll see a summary of the system’s load along with details about active users and their processes.

  1. Analyze Details:

The output includes the username, terminal session, login time, idle time, remote host, and the command being executed. Example:

user1     pts/0    10:30    15.00s  0.00s  0.05s sshd: user1@
  1. Check Specific User Activities:

To narrow results for a particular user, combine w with grep. For example:



 grep user1

Both commands help you monitor server sessions, ensuring increased control and security of your Ubuntu Linux VPS.

Managing User Accounts

Managing user accounts effectively ensures secure and organized administration of your Ubuntu Linux VPS. It simplifies permissions, enhances security, and allows better oversight of users interacting with the system.

Adding New Users

Add a new user to your server by using the adduser command. This method creates a user directory, sets default configurations, and prompts for a password.

  1. Open the terminal and run:

sudo adduser username

Replace username with the desired name for the user.

  1. Follow the prompts to set and confirm the password.
  2. Enter optional information, like the user’s full name or press Enter to skip.
  3. Verify the new user by listing accounts:

cat /etc/passwd 


 grep username

Removing Existing Users

Remove unused or unnecessary users to maintain system security. The userdel command deletes user accounts.

  1. Run the following to delete a user account:

sudo userdel username

Replace username with the target account’s name.

  1. To remove the user’s home directory alongside the account, add the -r flag:

sudo userdel -r username
  1. Confirm the removal by searching the system’s user list:

cat /etc/passwd 


 grep username

Modifying User Permissions

Adjust user permissions to control system access levels. The usermod command is used for modifying existing accounts.

  1. Add a user to a group for enhanced privileges:

sudo usermod -aG groupname username

Replace groupname and username with the target group and account names. For example, add a user to the sudo group to grant administrative rights.

  1. Change the user’s default shell:

sudo usermod -s /bin/bash username
  1. Alter the user’s home directory path:

sudo usermod -d /new/home/directory -m username
  1. Ensure changes by checking user details in /etc/passwd:

cat /etc/passwd 


 grep username

Efficient user account management promotes a secure, organized, and streamlined VPS environment.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

Verify File Permissions

Ensure correct permissions for critical system files like /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Incorrect permissions could block access to user data or compromise security. Use the ls -l command to check permissions and the chmod command to adjust them. For example, set /etc/passwd permissions to 644 using:

chmod 644 /etc/passwd

Avoid granting write access to unauthorized users.

Check for Corrupted Files

Look for corrupted system files, especially in the /etc/ directory. Run the cat /etc/passwd command to verify the file’s readability. If errors or inconsistencies appear, restore a backup or use the vipw command to safely edit the file.

Validate User Login Activity

Use the last command to review recent login attempts. This helps identify any unauthorized access or connection issues. For example, type:


This provides a summary of user logins, logout times, and session durations.

Rebuild User Database

Resolve missing or desynced user accounts by rebuilding the database. If commands like getent passwd fail to reflect user changes, reload the authentication service with:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind

Only reload services if system changes aren’t reflected.

Analyze Logged-In Users

If you suspect a user error or unauthorized access, reevaluate active sessions with the w or who commands. For deeper inspection, add grep to filter specific users. Example:



 grep username

Ensure no unnecessary sessions increase server load.

Test User Command Execution

Diagnose user-specific issues by confirming if commands execute properly. Use su - username to switch to the user, then test relevant commands. Resolve permissions or path errors as needed.

Ensure Proper Group Assignments

Inappropriate group memberships often lead to limited access. Use groups followed by the username to verify group allocations. Modify assignments using:

usermod -aG groupname username

For example, add a user to the sudo group to grant administrative privileges.

Review SELinux or AppArmor Settings

Enhanced security frameworks like SELinux or AppArmor can restrict user commands. Temporarily disable configurations for troubleshooting, if enabled. Use getenforce to check SELinux status or consult /etc/apparmor files for AppArmor settings.

These steps address common obstacles when managing or inspecting users on an Ubuntu Linux VPS.


Understanding and managing system users on your Ubuntu Linux VPS is essential for maintaining a secure and efficient server environment. By using the right commands and tools, you can monitor user activity, manage permissions, and troubleshoot issues effectively.

With the knowledge of user types and clear steps for managing accounts, you’re better equipped to optimize performance and enhance security. Taking control of your server’s user management ensures a more organized and reliable VPS setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of understanding system users in Ubuntu?

Understanding system users helps with effective management, troubleshooting, and securing your Linux VPS. It ensures better control over permissions, system performance, and organization, while also enabling administrators to track user activity and detect unauthorized access.

How do I list all users on my Ubuntu VPS?

You can list all users by viewing the /etc/passwd file using the cat /etc/passwd command. Alternatively, use the getent passwd command, which queries system databases for a list of user accounts.

What is the difference between system users and regular users?

System users are created by the system to support essential processes and do not require login access. Regular users are created for individuals, typically with limited permissions, to interact with the system.

How can I check which users are currently logged in?

Use the who command to see a list of logged-in users and their login details. For more detailed information, the w command shows logged-in users, system load, and the commands they are executing.

How do I add a new user to my Ubuntu VPS?

Run the sudo adduser [username] command. This creates a new regular user and prompts you to set a password and provide optional details.

How can I remove a user from my system?

Use the sudo userdel [username] command to delete a user. To remove the user’s home directory and files, add the -r flag, i.e., sudo userdel -r [username].

What commands can I use to monitor user activity?

Commands like who, w, and last help monitor user activity. who lists logged-in users, w provides detailed session information, and last shows login history for auditing.

How do I modify user permissions on Ubuntu?

The usermod command allows you to change user permissions. For example, to add a user to a group, use sudo usermod -aG [groupname] [username].

What should I do if user accounts seem out of sync?

Verify critical system files like /etc/passwd and consider rebuilding the user database if necessary. Ensure proper group assignments and check for corrupted or missing files.

How does monitoring users improve server security?

Monitoring logged-in users helps identify unauthorized access, track suspicious activities, and ensure system integrity. Proactive oversight minimizes the risks of breaches and mismanagement.


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